No fund documents are available for this fund. The fund may be not registered for the selected country, inactive, merged, liquidated or not available. Please contact for more information.
Reminder: You can search by ISIN, (part of the) name of the fund provider or fund, even for several ISINs simultaneously separated by commas without blank spaces.
a specific document for professional investors
h 100% NAV hedge
rh residual hedge
b Net Asset Value (NAV) / Issue Price exclusive commissions, for listed real estate funds closing price
NAV exclusive commissions, for listed funds NAV or closing price
QFI exclusively reserved for qualified investors
Data source fund data, documents, NAV/YTD: fund group
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This section of the Aegon Asset Management website and the content within is designed solely for retail investors in Ireland.
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If you are not an Ireland domiciled retail Investor, or you are not acting on behalf of an Ireland domiciled retail investor, you should not proceed any further.
Aegon Asset Management Investment Company (Ireland) PLC is an investment company with variable capital incorporated in Ireland with limited liability, having its registered office at 25/28 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland. Aegon Asset Management Investment Company (Ireland) plc is a UCITS collective investment scheme registered with the CBI.
The information published on this website is not for use within certain countries or with respect of any person(s) where such use would be restricted or a prohibited by local laws. This website only contains brief information on the UCITS and does not disclose all of the risks and other significant aspects of entering into any particular transaction; any investment decision should be made solely upon the information contained in the offering documentation relating to the relevant transactions. The Prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) of the shares provide detailed information on the features of the UCITS as well as on the risks of investing and should always be read before taking any investment decisions. Read carefully the Prospectus and the KIID before taking any investment decisions.
Promotion of Aegon Asset Management Investment Company (Ireland) plc in the EEA is undertaken by Aegon Investment Management B.V. which is authorised and regulated by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets.
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The information on this website is not an offer to buy any of the funds mentioned. You should only invest in our funds on the basis of the relevant formal document – this means the prospectus, Key Investor Information document or terms and conditions. If you are a Retail client please contact a qualified financial advisor to find out more about Aegon Asset Management funds. We recommend you consult a financial adviser before making any investment decisions.
The past performance of an investment is not a guide to future performance.
The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed so an investor may not get back the amount originally invested. Any tax reliefs mentioned are those currently available and are subject to change.
This site is targeted at, and intended for the use of, residents in Ireland only. No offer or invitation is made to any other persons. In particular, no offer or invitation is made to any US persons (being residents of the United States of America or partnerships or corporations organised under the laws of the United States of America or any state, territory or possession thereof), who are excluded from the services or products offered in this site.
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RISK WARNINGS - Please read the KIID for a summary of the material risks which are relevant for each fund. The prospectus contains further, more detailed, descriptions of all relevant risks and should also be read.
The following generic risk warnings apply broadly:
· The past performance of an investment is not a guide to future performance.
· The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed so an investor may not get back the amount originally invested. Any tax reliefs mentioned are those currently available and are subject to change.
· If the funds hold securities denominated in a variety of currencies, changes in exchange rates may affect the value of your investment.
· Where charges are taken wholly or partly out of a fund's capital, distributable income will be increased at the expense of capital which will either be eroded or future growth constrained.
· Any investment objective, performance benchmark and yield information will be treated as a target only and should not be considered as an assurance or guarantee of the performance of the fund or any part of it.
Investment in the securities of smaller and unquoted companies can involve greater risk than is customarily associated with investment in larger, more established companies. In particular, smaller companies often have limited product lines, markets or financial resources and may be dependent for their management on a smaller number of key individuals. In addition, the market for securities in smaller companies is often less liquid than that for securities in larger companies, bringing with it potential difficulties in acquiring, valuing and disposing of such securities. Proper information for determining their value or the risks to which they are exposed may also not be available.
Some funds will often carry greater risks in return for higher potential rewards. Specialist funds, which invest in specialist markets or small sectors of industry, are likely to carry higher risks than most general funds. Investment in technology related stocks can be more volatile than investment in more established companies. Above average price movements can be expected.
Absolute Return Funds: While the investment objective of absolute return funds is to achieve a positive return in all market conditions, this is not guaranteed in any way.
As a result of money laundering regulations, we may request additional proof of identification. Further details are in our prospectuses and other constitutional documents.
We reserve the right to change the pricing basis of the funds and any change will mean an increase or decrease in the price at which you may deal.
Any reference to tax is based on current regulations which may be subject to change. For clarification please seek advice from your financial or tax adviser.
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