No fund documents are available for this fund. The fund may be not registered for the selected country, inactive, merged, liquidated or not available. Please contact for more information.
Reminder: You can search by ISIN, (part of the) name of the fund provider or fund, even for several ISINs simultaneously separated by commas without blank spaces.
No fund documents are available for this fund. The fund may be not registered for the selected country, inactive, merged, liquidated or not available. Please contact for more information.
Reminder: You can search by ISIN, (part of the) name of the fund provider or fund, even for several ISINs simultaneously separated by commas without blank spaces.
No fund documents are available for this fund. The fund may be not registered for the selected country, inactive, merged, liquidated or not available. Please contact for more information.
Reminder: You can search by ISIN, (part of the) name of the fund provider or fund, even for several ISINs simultaneously separated by commas without blank spaces.
No fund documents are available for this fund. The fund may be not registered for the selected country, inactive, merged, liquidated or not available. Please contact for more information.
Reminder: You can search by ISIN, (part of the) name of the fund provider or fund, even for several ISINs simultaneously separated by commas without blank spaces.
a specific document for professional investors
h 100% NAV hedge
rh residual hedge
b Net Asset Value (NAV) / Issue Price exclusive commissions, for listed real estate funds closing price
NAV exclusive commissions, for listed funds NAV or closing price
QFI exclusively reserved for qualified investors
Data source fund data, documents, NAV/YTD: fund group
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